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finally, there is an organization that truly understands the plight faced by many decent non custodial parents. For, I am one who has been severely affected by an amendment written in such a tyrannical form.  Over the past 15 years, I have been at my wits end simply trying to explain the same examples within this organizations mission statement to no avail. I've joined many Father Equality groups over that time span, but this is the first organization I've ever come across that actually realize that this is not a mans issue, but an issue of justice.  

Thank you Family First International. Your vision is actually focused.



I have had the pleasure of broadcasting for this organization, and meeting the Founder and President of Family First International Inc., Mr. Alpha C. Hales.  


I have found the best organization ever to refer hurting families and individuals of integrity to; even those that are dealing with child support issues. I am proud to have the opportunity to be a part of the bigger picture and in the fight to help advocate to help restore hope and trust the people have lost through and by one or more public systems; that have been "all talk and no works." 

Family First International has done what no other organization in the area of "Child Support" has ever done...walked the talk.

Matter of fact, this is the only organization out here, that is doing child support issues for "Decent Disadvantaged Non-Custodial Parent Obligors", the only organization that have restored the hope and trust of the people for quality services you can depend on.  I recommend this organization.

Wendy Clardy, Founder and President of Families and Victims of Fraud, Radio host of Lardy Miss Clardy and Company on Blog Talk Radio

"Thank You, FFI for showing up and showing out!!"


I really liked your three-part series on the issue of child support and the Non-Custodial Parent Obligor (NCPO).  It was very informative and well written, impressive!  Being that I do not have any children, child support has never been an issue for me.  But, it certainly has been for some of my family members. Your article gave me insight into some of the challenges NCPO’s deal with. It helped me to be more sensitive and compassionate to their plight. No, we cannot put all NCPO’s in the same category and treat them all the same.  Each one's circumstance is different and laws should be flexible enough to provide for these differences.  Keep up the good work and keep up the fight. God Bless.

Gwen W.

 I love your passion for change. Don't stop fighting.

 God Bless,

(Tom Joyner: Radio Talkshow Host)

© 2022 by Family First International, Inc.

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