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  • Since 1999, FFI, Inc. has and continues to benefit 100’s of participants and others, all across America.  By providing on-going factual information and program/services necessary to empower all Decent Disadvantaged Non-Custodial Parent Obligors; many have been able to manage their delinquent account(s), develop a better relationship with child support enforcement, and live a better sustainable life for themselves and others.  As well as, re-kindle communication with their child and custodial parent. 


  • Also, We presented the fact that obligors could Not be expected to locate means of meaningful employment, if they were currently incarcerated.


  • We have been able to successfully, (by the definition), identify this unique group of parent/clients.


Our on-going Goals/Objectives:

  • To reduce the amount of incarcerations of male/female Decent Disadvantaged Non-Custodial Parent Obligors, between the ages of 18-65, in our targeted area by 25%.


  • Get 25% of Decent Disadvantaged Non-Custodial Parent Obligors, cross trained and employment ready.


  • Reduce the levels of parental child support related domestic violence cases and continue to promote family reunification.


  • Reduce the amount of homelessness of Decent Disadvantaged Non-Custodial Parent Obligors by 25%.

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